Monday, April 27, 2009

Some More Reviews

This drawing was done by the amazing artist, Milovan Novakovic, who has done logos and album art for bands such as Miasmal, Witchcurse, Iguman and a lot of others. He's also done a lot of logos for labels and zines. He's pretty god damn good. Check more of his stuff out here.

Anyway, I have some more reviews here for those interested.
Abhorer - Rumpus of the Undead
Bestial Raids - Order of Doom
Melvins - Eggnog
Necros Christos - Grave Damnation
Nocturnal Blood - True Spirit of Old...
Root - Zjevení



GSV JR said...

Dude, yes on the Eggnog. One of my most treasured 10" recs. Fucking fantastic in every way. This is the REAL SHIT.

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